Sinestro Corps War

War Of Light

Starting in June, Wizkids will be running a six-month DC HeroClix: War of Light storyline for their organized play program. You can start charging up for War of Light in May with the release of the The DC HeroClix: War of Light “The Sinestro Corps War” Scenario Pack. The scenario pack will include the following exclusive content:

Heroclix Sinestro Corp War scenario pack

All of the above content can only be found in the DC HeroClix: War of Light “The Sinestro Corps War” Scenario Pack and will not be available anywhere else.  This Scenario Pack is a “For-Sale” product for stores to use in order to build excitement and awareness for their in-store War of Light Organized Play programs.

War of Light will feature 96 figures that can be pulled from the five-figure tournament boosters. This pool of 96 figures will be split between two waves. The Wave One tournament boosters are tied to War of Light month one and two events. The Wave Two tournament boosters are tied to War of Light month three and four events.

The War of Light monthly events will be sealed play with players using two HeroClix boosters. Stores will have the option of having players use one War of Light booster and another HeroClix booster of the store’s choice, or they can have the players use two War of Light boosters.

Heroclix Green Lantern Corps War of Light

Wizkids has released a preview of some of  the GreenLantern Corps figures that will be a part of the War of Light set. Harnessing the green spectrum of willpower, the Green Lantern Corps patrol every sector of space. And this set will give you enough figures to cover the table.

Hal Jordan and Sinestro

Along with the army of heroes, there will also be a power battery and power ring set. The new sets work together to boost the force of your Green Lantern Corps. Adding a Ring adds +1 to any Green Lantern Corpsman – or makes any other character able to harness Willpower.

Heroclix Green Lantern power ring

The Power Battery ratchets up the power levels even more. Assigned to a Ring and 1-6 constructs, other corps members can use the abilities of each other via the battery and ring. The battery can also upgrade constructs, and create a barrier, as well as other defensive capabilities.
Heroclix Green Lantern power battery

Katma Tui Heroclix figure

Green Lantern recruit Heroclix figure

Rond Vidar Heroclix figure

Jade Heroclix figure

Hannu Heroclix figure

Guy Gardner Heroclix figure

Hal Jordan Heroclix figure