Kickstart Your Color

Brian Miller, comic book colorist and co-author of the Hi-Fi Color for Comics and Master Digital Color manuals has a kickstarter campaign running to publish a new edition of the Hi-Fi Color for Comics book.

The original manuals from Impact Books have sold out and have gone out of print with no new editions coming from Impact. Brian is creating a redesigned and updated version of the book with new art and tutorials and, and updated information for the latest Photoshop features and capabilities.

This will be a great book to have. And as more stretch goals are met, more chapters will be added to give you even more information, guides, and tutorials on different aspects of the coloring process and aesthetic, which will make this an extremely valuable book to have.

If you want to learn how to digitally color comics then you should have this book. There are only 3 days left, so support this kickstarter today so that we can have even more material added to this book to make it a truly incredible and valuable manual on digital coloring.