Neil Gaiman

Now you can co-write a story with a New York Time best selling novelist, and you can do it 140 characters at a time.

Fantasy novelist and comic book writer Neil Gaiman and BBC Audiobooks are launching an experiment to bring you a new type of reading and writing experience, they are developing Twitterature. Begining at noon tomorrow (Oct. 13), Gaiman will tweet the first sentence in an interactive storytelling experiment. The hope is that fellow Tweeters will pick up the thread where Gaiman leaves off, and continue to tell the story. The final work will eventually be complied into a short story, and then recorded as an audiobook that will be available in iTunes for free. Starting at noon tomorrow you can follow the story and add your tweets here.

Add along stories isn’t a new idea to the internet. I’ve seen collaborations like this pop up on message boards from time to time. However, the fact that you have an incredible and highly regarded author like Neil Gaiman kicking it off adds some excitement to the project. And the fact that your colaborative work will be made into an audio book that will be available to everyone on iTunes is also pretty exciting. This is a fantastic idea. It will be interesting to see how the story will go. Will people put real thought and effort into their line or two, or will they just throw any manner or random nonsense in and derail the whole thing? And what sort of wild twist and turns will spin this story through the Twitterverse? I also wonder if Neil Gaiman will add any tweets later on as the story begins to take off. It would be nice if he did contribute a little more then just the opening, but it’s still incredible to have him involved. I’m very interested to see how this story takes shape.

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