Teaser For Joker’s Return

He’s Baaaaaack DC announced that Batman’s long time arch-nemesis will make his big return in Batman #13. The creative team of Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo and Jonathan Glapion will bring back the Clown Prince of Crime in t this October’s Death of the Family storyline. According to DC’s blog, “The Joker will come out of the dark in a horrifying, […]

Batman Finally Visits Smallville

Dynamic Duo In Smallville Smallville ran on The WB and then the reformed network The CW for a combined  10 seasons. And during that run fans of the young Clark Kent series clamored to see a young Bruce Wayne pay a visit to Smallville. Unfortunately it never happened, until now. Bryan Q. Miller, the former writer and executive […]

Batman Wanted Poster, Bane’s Gadgets Revealed

Wanted Bat  Rolling Stone gives some information on Tom Hardy’s Bane in Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Batman sequel The Dark Knight Rises. An article in the magazine gives a point-by-point graphic detailing why the muscle-bound madman needs a mask (and that could give away a key plot point, so be warned). And in a bit of marketing, Warner Bros. has […]