New ThunderCats Trailer

WonderCon had a surprise for ThunderCats fans, a new trailer for the new cartoon series aired during the convention. The trailer was shown during the first convention panel for the animated series, and featured producers Michael Jelenic and Ethan Spaulding, along with art director Dan Norton, and Larry Kenney, who provided the voice of Lion-O […]

Warner Bros. Holds Nikita, Human Target, V, and Thundercats Panels At WonderCon

Warner Bros. Television will help WonderCon celebrate its 25th anniversary with an exclusive advance screening of Nikita (Thursdays 9/8c The CW) on Friday, April 1, and panel sessions on Sunday, April 3, for Human Target, and V. And Warner Bros. Animation will present the the first convention panel for the new Thundercats animated series that is  to […]

Test Of Canceled Thundercats Movie

According to Flixist, about four years ago Warner Bros. was working on a CGI Thundercats animated movie. The plot would have  focused on Lion-O coming of age as the leader of the Thundercats. The project fell apart, but this test footage was created as a way to try and sell the project. I’m not crazy about the […]