More Merry Mutant Movies

Collider had the opportunity to discuss the future of Marvel properties in movies with Fox CEO Tom Rothman at CinemaCon in Las Vegas. And the talk revealed that another merry band of mutants could become the next marvel movie franchise. While Rothman wouldn’t come right out and say it, he seemed to hint that The New Mutants could get the movie treatment.

Given the commercial and critical success of the young-skewing superhero flicks First Class and Chronicle, it seems like a no-brainer for Fox to pull the trigger on a New Mutants movie. When the idea was brought up,  Rothman tried to remain cryptic, but he seems to point at a New Mutants movie in the future.


Collider: “I know you guys have like The New Mutants and a lot of characters in the X-Men universe. Obviously you guys are moving forward on an X-Men sequel, you’re moving forward on Wolverine, do you envision New Mutants or some of these other characters as franchises that the door can be open to?  It does seem to me that the superhero genre is bigger than it’s ever been, and you guys have some of the crown jewels.”

Rothman: (smiles) “Yes.”

Collider: “When can fans expect an announcement on some of these other properties?  Before Comic-Con, after Comic-Con, at Comic-Con?”

Rothman:  “In the summer.”

Collider: “Are you talking to filmmakers right now?”

Rothman: “Let me just say this. All I have to say is, I agree with you in your assessment of the potential in a lot of these characters.”