LOTR HeroClix Games

Miniatures games producer Wizk!ds is adding another product line to their catalog. Their HeroClix collectible miniatures game isn’t just for comic books anymore. Later this year they will be adding a Lord of the Rings HeroClix game. Plus they are creating a LOTR HeroClix board game that lets players become the Nazgul, working with and […]

WizKidz Beams Up A Star Trek Miniatures Game

WizKids/NECA and CBS Consumer Products announced that they have made an agreement that will allow WizKids/NECA to create HeroClix branded  miniature games that are set in the Star Trek universe. The License will include all of the Star Trek television shows and feature films, and the game will be sold both physically and digitally. “Star Trek changed the way […]

Web Of Spiderman Heroclix

NECA/Wizk!ds has released an advertising poster for the next expansion to their HeroClix collectible miniatures game line, titled Web of Spider-Man. The new set will be Spidey-themed, as the poster touts that you will be able to collect Spidey, along with his villians and allies, and this will include versions of characters from Marvel Comic’s Dark Reign and Siege […]